Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

Jess E. Lv. 3 follow
Oct 31, 2018 ·  China

It's always a nice surprise when your aunt calls you up to say she's bringing you to a 5-star resort somewhere in China. So was the case one summer and I was ecstatic!

I had been living in Shanghai for about a year (and kinda slumming it) when she told me she was taking me along on her business trip to Lijiang. I had never heard of the place but when she mentioned where we were staying I was floored. Banyan Tree!

I knew of the resort but never though I'd ever have the chance to stay there. One word: villa. Our room was actually a small house with 2 floors and it was heaven! My cousin also came with us and the next day we went sightseeing. Our aunt couldn't join us and just told us to enjoy the mountain. She sent us to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

At that point I had only been to Yellow Mountain and was expecting an easy hike with lots of trees. Boy was I wrong! I didn't expect the high altitude or the snow (although the name really says it all).

When we got there, I noticed people carrying what looked like aluminum cans. I didn't know what they were but my cousin did. He said they were oxygen cans. I'm like, what?? At first I was thinking I didn't need it, but our guide urged us to buy them.

My god, I have never felt so out of shape than I did that day! We got pretty high up that mountain, but almost died on the steps because of the thin air. I was sucking the life outta that can and both my cousin and I would never forget that experience!

Wonderful and terrifying all at once! But would I go again?! DEFINITELY.