A memorable dinner we had

Antonette C. Lv. 2 follow
May 01, 2018 ·  China

On my recent trip to China with three friends, we went to this lovely local restaurant with traditional Chinese decoration completely by accident. It was a bit late into the evening so the restaurant wasn't too busy. We sat down at this dark brown wood table with beautiful carvings. Our waiter came over with a pot of freshly brewed tea, he was an outgoing young man and we started chatting. We told him that the four of us often travel together and we've been to many places. He told us that his girlfriend of 2 years also works at the restaurant and shared a few funny moments they encountered on a trip to western parts of the country. We jokingly asked him when he was going to propose. His face turned red, and said he definitely would once he has enough money to buy her a nice ring. Then, to everyone's surprise, my friend Alice took off her ring, and said to this suddenly shy man, "here's a ring, you can use it to propose to her". We could tell the excitement in his eyes, he gently took the ring from Alice's hand and walked toward a waitress cleaning a table on the other side of the restaurant. He kneeled down and popped the question. The lady was in tears of joy. Everyone was applauding and cheering. That evening, a man got a "Yes", a woman introduced her future husband, the four of us got a free and memorable dinner.