About Us

43km is a global community for travel enthusiasts. We help members connect with other fellow travellers around the world, plan and search for itineraries, and share awesome travel deals!

Itineraries on this platform are shared by people who have actually traveled to those places. We connect all the sources you already know like Google, Wikipedia. Trips are accurately indexed, they can be searched by a combination of criteria, to help you easily customize and plan for your own trip. Discounts featured on this site are rigorously curated based on recommendations and analytics, we only share truly amazing deals and filter out the noise of marketers for our members.

Here at 43km, we also believe that travel is not just about sightseeing new places and taking photos, but also connecting with different people and cultures. We provide an online platform for members to find and connect with fellow members who share the same interests.

A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles. Go explore, travel safe.